Rules for a Happy Family Vacation

Rules for a Happy Family Vacation

Going on vacation is supposed to be a fun time for everyone. If you have small children, traveling can be a chaotic experience. Setting a few ground rules and planning your trip ahead of time will allow your children to get accustomed to a few rules and will ensure everyone is on the same page. Safety is always important. Make sure your children have a full understanding of what is expected of them and what they need to do to be safe at all times.

Protect Your Kids

Even if you are vacationing a short distance from your home, you should always carry a photo ID for all of your children. You should also have in your possession a copy of each child's birth certificate. You should also have a current photo of each child as well as a copy of their fingerprints, if possible. While this may sound excessive, it will be a godsend if your child wanders away or gets lost. Being proactive when it comes to your kids is a must.

Make Sure Kids Know What Is Expected of Them

Set a few solid ground rules concerning what you expect from your children. Trying to enforce new rules during your vacation may not work out so well and could result in behaviors. Start putting them into action before you leave and make sure your children know why it's important to follow the rules and always be on their best behavior. Good manners and common courtesy never go out of style.

Respect Each Other

Showing respect for each other as well as other people you encounter is essential. Encourage your children to always use their manners and be as polite as possible. You will meet new people everywhere you go. Be as polite and well-mannered as possible. Remember, however, that even though people are nice, they don't share personal information. Keep the conversation friendly and impersonal.

Communicate With One Another

Always communicate with one another. Plan an itinerary and stick to it. Make sure your children know where they will be going and what activities have been planned. Let others know where you are at all times. If your family members have cell phones, make sure you have a personal tracker installed on each one. This gives you an opportunity to keep track of everyone at all times.

Use the Buddy System

Pair small children with an older sibling and use the buddy system. This will prevent small children from being unsupervised if they are away from you for any length of time. The buddy system can work inside the home as well, making it easier for children to learn how to be self-sufficient and promote teamwork when it comes to chores and other activities.

Medical Consent

If your child is going on vacation with a family friend, make sure to fill out a medical consent form. This ensures your child can receive medical treatment if you are not readily available. By filling out this form, you are allowing the adult who is caring for your child to receive medical treatment if you are not available.

Take A Lot of Photographs

Always take a lot of photographs! Many scenic areas near the Ouray Hotel are ideal for photography. Photos are a great way to capture memories you want to hold on to for years to come. Share them with friends and family. Create a photo diary of your trip and let every member of the family share a story or two.